Roadway News & More

Wegmans Update
We plan to turn the space over to Wegmans in early Spring of 2024, after which they will begin to build out the store's interior. You may have noticed the new Wegman's banner announcing the opening in 2025 at Twinbrook Quarter!

Roadwork at Halpine & Chapman
Regrading at the intersection of Halpine Road and Chapman Avenue is underway this week and possibly over the next few weeks. The road will remain open with some adjustment to the traffic flow.
Apartments Taking Shape
Interior work is being done in various stages throughout the building. Second floor apartments are taking shape as we install drywall.
Brick Façade and Roofing
Despite recent rain storms, we have completed 85% of the brick façade above the ground-level store front space. The store front spaces should be enclosed by the end of this year. As the photo above shows we have started to tar the roof.